
“What kills a skunk is the publicity it gives itself.” –Abraham Lincoln


Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; someone else, and not your own lips. –Proverbs 27:2

“You’re wife was bragging on you last week,” Marissa told me (Les) in the church foyer.

“What are you talking about?” I asked.

“We were having our usual Monday morning coffee together with a few other moms after we dropped off our kids at school,” Marissa continued, “and Leslie told all of us how you masterfully got your little boy to quit fussing about what he was wearing to school.”

“Oh, right! Jackson was really headstrong about wearing the same hooded sweatshirt every day for some reason, and Leslie was at her wits end.”

“Whatever you did,” Marissa said, “it impressed your wife. She was going on and on about you being a great dad. Way to go!”

Have you ever heard a secondhand compliment from your spouse like this? If so, you know just how much it can do for your spirit – and for your marriage. Knowing that your spouse is saying good things about you, when you’re not around, is almost as important as hearing these good things directly. In fact, in some ways, it’s even more impactful.

Why? At least two reasons:

  • Because it’s said without any assurance that you will ever even hear it.
  • You know it’s genuine and heart-felt.

In media circles, it’s called “positive press”, and it typically requires the work of a top-notch publicity agent. Public figures pay significant sums to obtain such services, because good press always benefits a person’s public image. But in the same way, “good press” can positively impact your spouse’s personal image, too.

Few things can boost a person’s self-esteem more than hearing that their partner has been putting them in a positive light to others. And when two people are doing that for each other, they reap a double dose of love.

So, consider making it your mission this week to spread some good press about your partner – whether he or she hears about it or not.


If you were to rent a billboard this week and put a positive message about your partner on it, what would you say and why?

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