While he was trying to figure a way out, he had a dream. God’s angel spoke in the dream: “Joseph, son of David, don’t hesitate to get married. Mary’s pregnancy is Spirit-conceived. God’s Holy Spirit has made her pregnant. She will bring a son to birth, and when she does, you, Joseph, will name him Jesus—‘God saves’—because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:20-21
Can you imagine for a moment how the Christmas story might have been written if Mary and Joseph had not had the capacity to adjust to things beyond their control?
To begin with, Joseph had to adjust to the fact that Mary, his fiancée, was pregnant. According to Old Testament law, he could have had her stoned or sent her into some large distant city like Rome, Carthage, or Ephesus.
But God sent an angel to tell Joseph that Mary was with child by the Holy Spirit and would give birth to a son whose name would be Jesus. So instead of sending Mary away, Joseph married her.
While the first year of marriage is always difficult, Mary and Joseph faced a unique set of challenges. Nine months of pregnancy require enormous adjustments from a couple, regardless of how long they’ve been married — and this was no run-of-the-mill pregnancy. On top of dealing with the implications of the impending birth, Mary and Joseph were trying to establish their home, run a business, and learn how to live with each other. Further, they were forced to close down their business and travel to Bethlehem as the first step of a Roman plan to raise taxes. Just what they needed!
Early one morning, Mary and Joseph left their honeymoon abode to reach Bethlehem. She was riding on the back of a little burro. Joseph had a short tether wrapped around his arm and anchored securely in his big fist to keep the little burro from dislodging Mary, who was more than eight months pregnant. At night they had no motel. They stopped along the road, cooked with makeshift arrangements, slept on the hard ground, and made the best of a difficult situation.
Finally, when they arrived within sight of the city, Mary stopped. We can imagine her looking up at her husband and saying something like, “Joe, I cannot take another step. I am going to sit down here under this olive tree, and I want you to go into the city of Bethlehem and get us a room in the Bethlehem Hilton. I’ll get room service and wait out the time for the baby to come.”
Mary was a long way from home, worn-out, tired, emotionally drained, and at the end of her rope. Furthermore, she must have wondered what she would do if her labor pains began and Joseph was not near.
Finally Joseph returned, his characteristic smile gone, his shoulders drooping. She listened as he told her his story: “Mary, I went to the hotel, but there was no room. Finally, I persuaded an old man to let us stay in the barn with his animals. He’s charging an exorbitant price, Mary, but he promised he’d cover the floor with fresh straw. And most of all, Mary, he said we could be alone, and he would not make us share the stall with anyone else.”
That night the Son of God was born.
Can you imagine how the Christmas story might have been written if Mary and Joseph had not had the capacity to adjust to things beyond their control?
Every couple on earth must learn to develop this capacity if they are to enjoy a happy marriage. Life is filled with too many unexpected turns and unforeseen problems.
Without the capacity to rise above your circumstances, you will never cultivate a happy marriage.
Reflect and Respond
What Christmas tradition in your home is sure to bring you closer together as a couple? If you can’t think of one, what tradition can you start this year?
Go ahead, tell us in the comments.
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With more than a million copies sold, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts has become the gold standard for helping today’s engaged and newlywed couples enjoy lifelong love. This expanded and updated edition has been honed by years of feedback, professional experience and the latest research, making it more helpful and informative than ever.
My husband has decided he doesn’t want to be married anymore so I guess we won’t be creating any traditions. Although that’s all I ever heard was what he did with his X-wife anyway. At 56 I have to go back to work that’s my Christmas gift
Merry Christmas
My marriage is in crisis. After 10 years, my husband has decided he’s had enough. It has been a long struggle, with it being each of our second marriages, having stepkids (he had three kids from his previous marriage,) having our own kids and dealing with stress involved with his ex-wife and gaining primary custody of his children. I have not always handled things well. But, I have never stopped loving him, nor did I ever imagine him wanting to be done with me. He says his heart is dead. We have two young sons and they are so fearful of us getting divorced. This is all breaking my heart. I know God can do miraculous things in people’s lives and marriages. I need a miracle today. I need to know there is hope that He will make beauty from these ashes, especially since my husband seems so resistant to ask God for help (or believe that he can change things) or go seek counseling either as a couple (we have tried some for short periods in the past) or himself (which he has never done.) I love my husband and I don’t want another failed marriage. What do I do?
What is working for us is God’s indivisible bonding of our marriage by means of his unsung divine image as revealed in Christ’s Spirit-active, perfect and creative death on the cross, a.k.a., “the tree of life”. We celebrated our 50th anniversary last June. P.T.L. Blessings!
It is BLASPHEMY to say the Holy Spirit had anything to do with the Virgin Mary’s conception other than the revelation of knowledge, understanding and faith in the power of God.
Linda & Liest,
I am so sorry to hear about the terrible news you were both dumped with just before Christmas. Not that any other time of year would have been better. In each case both of these men have been there before, do they really think that leaving you and possibility finding someone else down the line will be any better? Because they are taking half of the problem with them. It doesn’t matter how many times they find new women, they will always be taking themselves along! They are the common denominator in the issue! What a rotten thing to do to children at this time of year. You’re probably better off with out another self-centered child to take care of.
Having said all that I have no answers for you, I can tell you that I have added you both to my prayer list. I’m not sure why we have a tendency to say, “All I can do is pray”, when that is the BEST thing we can do. God has your answers, my prayer for you both is that God hold you close to his heart and guide you every step of the way! And that He lavish you with His Grace to help you cope through the Holidays, that He wrap you in a cloak of warmth so that you know that He is carrying half your pain. In Jesus Name, Amen.
I love the art of giving gifts to the family especially the kids of your family. I’m the Santa in the family and has to get the gifts for all. I have been doing it for my family especially my niece ever since I have been in USA. And this christmas my uncle is going to visit us from Houston with family so I’m excited to see my little cousins. This christmas I’m looking forward to see a christmas tree decorated by the 3 little princesses of my family and hopefully I’d be getting gifts for everyone inshallah!
[…] Reposted with permission. Read the original article here. […]
Did she? When Jesus was conceived, they were already engaged. Betrothal, in Jewish words, was essentially a marriage but without the formalities. a lot more than just a date. When the required period of Betrothal expired, they got married.
You might be considering the Catholic nonsense that holds that she was always uncontaminated and pure. That is a lot of nonsense. She married Joseph, gave birth to Jesus, and had additional kids after that.
One of the most satisfying types of photography is couple photography because you get to assist a couple in celebrating their love and in telling the tale of their union. However, if you don’t have a sizable clientele, it can be challenging to establish your brand.
One of the most satisfying types of photography is couple photography because you get to assist a couple in celebrating their love and in telling the tale of their union. However, if you don’t have a sizable clientele, it can be challenging to establish your brand.
what is a disturbing realization is that you state according to old testament law ‘he could have had her stoned’….imagine the conflict of ethics this causes as we currently continue the debate the abortion discussion. with mary being pregnant, one would assume old testament was not so harsh, in not only causing one death, but two. but apparently it is/was.