Know Thyself

Give Your Relationship the Very Best
You won’t find a more personalized and powerful pre-marriage assessment than SYMBIS.The SYMBIS Assessment just may be the most important thing you do for your relationship.
Discover everything you need to know about:
- Your Personalities – discover strengths you both bring to marriage
- Your Love Life – cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion
- Your Fight Types – discover your “hot topics”
- Your Talk Styles – crack the code for heartfelt and lasting connections
- Your Deepest Longing – create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection
- Your Money Methods – kick financial worries to the curb and deepen your connection with one another

The Fun & Easy Way to Get Closer
Why not make your relationship everything it’s meant to be? It’s easier than you think. And did we mention it’s fun? We’ll give you a personalized Action Plan – customized for the two of you.
What’s the secret?
It’s found in your personalized Better Love Report. The 10 power-packed pages of customized insights provide you with:
- A step-by-step process for realizing instant results
- Proven and reliable guidance you can count on
- Engaging exercises and numerous conversation starters
- An upbeat and guilt-free tone for positive outcomes
- A customized road map to getting the love you want

Know yourself. Know Others.
Ready to uncover what makes you tick? Yada is for everyone who wants to be the best version of themselves – and enjoy healthier, stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
What’s the secret?
It’s found in your personalized YADA Report. The 10 power-packed pages of customized insights provide you with:
- A step-by-step process for realizing instant results
- Proven and reliable guidance you can count on
- An upbeat and encouraging tone for positive outcomes
- Engaging exercises and numerous conversation starters
In short, knowing yourself and those around you simply does not get better or easier than this.