The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5
We’ve been teaching at Seattle Pacific University for the past 25 years – straight out of graduate school.
It’s been our home. Literally. We lived on the campus most of those years. Beyond teaching in classrooms, we’ve hosted numerous student groups in our living room and mentored many others in coffee shops or over a meal in the dining hall. These students are family.
That’s why the unspeakable tragedy of this past week hits us in the heart.
On a sunny Thursday, a week before final exams, everything changed on our campus. An act of senseless violence tore through our family.
The pain stings. Tears flow. Anger resides. But hope prevails because of prayers from people like you.
So pardon us if we don’t offer a bit of marriage insight as we normally do. We’re not up to it. Not yet.

All the darkness in the world
cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.
–Francis of Assisi
We simply ask for your prayers:
- We ask you to say a prayer for the family of the student who was killed. Freshman Paul Lee (19) was in my (Les) General Psychology class. He was a fun-loving, faith-filled kid with a great sense of humor – a ray of light.
- Pray for the other victims, one who still remains in the hospital with serious injuries.
- Pray for those who witnessed what some describe as “a scene from a horror movie,” as they were going to and from class.
- Pray for our SPU community at large, the shell-shocked students, the faculty and staff who are summoning incredible courage.
- Pray for the shooter. “Deal with his troubled soul,” a colleague prayed Thursday evening at a service, “love him in spite of his hatred, and bring him not to justice but to repentance and spiritual wholeness.”
- Finally, you might say a prayer of thanksgiving for Jon Meis, 22, a senior who subdued the gunman and saved numerous other killings. Jon is getting married next week to Kaylie. He surely knows the meaning of John 15:13: “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.”
We’ll be back at it, soon enough, with more inspiration for your marriage.
We are so grateful for this connection with you. But this week we need your prayers for our SPU family. They mean more to us than you know.
Reflect and Respond
Post your prayer that we can share with the community of Seattle Pacific University.
Please write your prayers in the comments.
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Father God we stand together with our brothers and sisters that are still reeling in the aftermath of this horrific tragedy. I ask that You would rain Your peace and comfort over this campus and all those so deeply affected. Things happen, horrible things, that we can not explain or comprehend. The one thing that we do know and can always count on, is that You are with us. Father poor out Your peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding, and fill our hearts with grace. Let us see this through Your eyes, through Your love. Even in this time of deep pain and confusion, keep us steady in our faith. I pray that this horrific crime would be used to strengthen and not tear down our faith. No matter the circumstances we can turn to You and You are there. You are right there in the middle of it. You have never left or forsaken us. Right now as our brothers and sisters are weak and troubled, we stand holding there arms. Giving them strength, interceding for healing. I pray You bring peace where the enemy would bring turmoil, joy where he would bring pain and love where he would bring great anger. Draw this community closer than ever and let Your light shine for all to see. Thank You for we know we can always count on You. Amen.
May the God of all comfort richly dwell in your hearts and minds and may the love of God continue to be shed in your hearts by the Holy Ghost that as you have prayed for the soul of that young gunman, so shall you pray for the troubled souls of families from where such children emerge.
May Jesus, the Consolation of Israel abide with you all in Jesus Name
We are praying for you all. May the LORD bless you with His Peace, comfort you with His Presence and strengthen you with His Power.
Lord, we ask you in the mighty name of Jesus that you would pour out your love on this community. We ask that your Holy Spirit would comfort these souls like only you can. We ask you God to give them peace as they turn to you in this time of trouble. I pray Father that you would bring this young man to repentance and that you would help the families affected to forgive this evil act. I thank you Father for turning this tragedy around into something good. Please bring healing to those who are suffering in Jesus name.
My prayers are with you all. – South Africa
When I thought how to understand this, It was too painful for me— Until I went into the sanctuary of God; Then I understood their end.
In Jesus name I pray for this whole community, those who suffered injury and loss, the young man who wreaked so much havoc in this community of young and old, and especially for the students who so tragically had to witness all of this. But most of all I pray for Your light to shine in this dark time. You promise us that if we will allow you, in all things you will bring something good. You have proven this over and over, so I ask that somehow this community will see the good and be able to focus on that, and not the evil. In Your special name I ask for all of this and for your Blessings to be poured out to these amazing young people and to all those who are involved. Amen
Heavenly Father, This is a day that You have made, we will rejoice and be glad in that fact. May You be the God of all comfort to all the faculty, staff, students and their families during this time in the valley. By experience, we know it is true – sometimes you calm the storm, and in moments like this, we ask that you calm your children with Your peace. And Lord allow this faithful community to know right now that the birds are still singing and life goes on but lives and hearts and spirits need Your touch in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayers for healing for SPU community…may God’s grace and mercy continue to overflow in the midst of what does not make sense.
Praying for all affected by this tragedy. Praying for people who are considering conducting similar events in the future so that we may have an end to these tragedies.
God we thank you for these gifts that you’ve given us in the persons of Dr. Les and Dr. Leslie Parrott. Daily they bless us through their wisdom, knowledge and experience to be better spouses and people in general. Today we come to stand in the gap for them and we lift them, the victims, their families and the SPU Community up to you for what ever their personal needs are at this time. For You are the true and the living God who sees, cares, hears and answer our prayers. Holy Spirit comfort, strengthen and give them peace as only You can during this time. We pray for complete healing physically, emotionally and spiritually in the name of Jesus! That what was meant for evil that it will be used for Your good!
May you experience the peace of God that truly passes all understanding – and may God’s grace and strength and comfort uphold and sustain you through this tragic time of turmoil. Our hearts and prayers go out to you, the students at SPU and those who mourn the loss of their son.
Father you go ahead of us in all things but right now we need you with us. Emanuel you walked with us and saw your own cousin murdered for speaking truth. You feel the pain as Les and Leslie are feeling right now and all the waves of grief flow over them swamping them and choking them. But we know Father that the waves recede on the shore to come again in less strength and we pray for their shock to slowly fade and for immediate friends to comfort them. We pray for the college and those closely affected. We pray for those who work closely with many with mental illness and we pray for them in their frustration and self doubt at these times when clients cease taking medicines triggering such hate and confusion. We know the author of this hate. We pray for those who worked with this man that they too will find support so they can continue with such difficult work. We pray for the friends of the one who died and the two who are hospitalized. I recall such tragedies in my country of Australia 10 years ago and the steps we put in place to minimize danger and maximize freedom. Father we know the opposite of love is not hate but indifference and so the feelings that hammer on the door of those affected even anger we acknowledge, we know you created us with deep feelings especially at this time but you are also the God who heals. Please extend your healing hand to all these folk and know that on the other side of the world prayers, right now, ascend for them. In the blessed name of Jesus we pray. John, Adelaide, Australia.
Jesus we ask you for your guidance and strength in this time of pain from our loss of life and adjustment to our collage family. Bless and all of you who give and receive at this collage let you be healed by jesus mercy. We will be praying for all of you.
May the Lord give you grace and peace. May God comfort you and make you a comfort to others. May the murderer be forgiven. May the broken hearted be healed! May Jon and Kaylie love one another and continue to serve with sacrifice. May the Lord use all of His saints to usher in His kingdom for it is coming and no man or earthly kingdom can stop it!
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Amen to these prayers for healing and comfort for this community. Please bring many students into relationship with you, Jesus, so they can understand we live in a fallen world but there are better things coming for those who trust in You.
Our dear Father. How this tragic event must hurt your heart when a person tries to take your place in deciding who should live and who should die. There are many things we do know Lord. God we know you are good and not evil, we know that you are the alpha and omega the beginning and the end. We know that nothing is hidden from your sight. We also know that You are sovereign and reign over all. Sweet Lord Jesus bring peace to the hurting hearts both physically and emotionally. I pray a spirit of forgiveness to pour over these dear ones that a root of bitterness would not grow. God thank you for the comfort you give as we seek your face. God we choose to trust you when we don’t understand knowing that some how you will bring glory out of this pain. Pull this body of believers together to do even greater work for you as they are now being watched by a world where many do not acknowledge you or understand your love.
We bring hurting hearts to you Lord for your comfort and strength.
In Jesus name, Linda
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for Les and Leslie and the SPU community during the wake of this horrific tragedy. Your love, strength, and hope for a brighter tomorrow are sometimes all we have to get through as in a situation as this when our own strength and understanding is gone. I pray specifically for the one who was in so much pain and felt all he knew to do was commit an act of violence like this. What a hurting soul, father, and yes, most definitely I pray for the victims, the families, and all those connected with SPU as they deal with this senseless tragedy. But my heart lingers as I know your does God on those people that are in such great need of knowing you, the one that can take away the evilness that envelopes those who are so hurting and long for love and acceptance and purpose that only you can provide and so many need. This world can be so tragic Lord, but we are so thankful and blessed when you allow us to see the needs of those who are hurting as this person was and you work through us to reach out and provide Your light and hope to them. Lord I pray you open the hearts of so many others who may be hurting like this one was and may Satan be bound up and shown that You will use this tragedy in some way to bring so many closer to you and to being more of a light in this sometimes crazy and cruel world. I thank you for Les and Leslie who work to help so many others see your light and hope for a better tomorrow. I pray all of this in Your Holy Precious loving name, Jesus! Amen.
My God the father of our Lord Jesus Christ heal your hearts with his Word and give you peace.
Thank you so much for this aritelc, it saved me time!
Dear Heavenly Father,
Please comfort everyone,touched by this,tragic event. Lord,please,bring that,peace thst passes all understanding. Remove all fear and replace,it with unmovable,trust in You. Lord I pray that you use this situation for Your glory bringing people,into,the Kingdom. What satan meant for evil,use for good. Please,bring people,to,the shooter to witness to him and bring him into,the kingdom. In Jesus name, amen
Dear God,
I lift up to you the entire SPU family and pray for your divine healing as they suffer through this tragedy. Mend their hearts and give them the peace that passes all understanding. Help them to know that You are greater than anything they go through and that while it may seem that you’re far away, You are right there with them. I pray for every family that was directly affected and the for the family of Paul Lee. Comfort them, bless them and continue to guide them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
May Gods hand touch heal repair restore and love each person effected in tragedy.
I speak healing to your hearts. I ask that you all submit to love and love one another because God is love… and love covers all. Perfect love casts out fear. Love heals.
Dear God, Please comfort the people at SPU. Please let them sense your presence. Please touch them with your healing hand & hold them in your arms.
I live in Canada and we just lost 3 Mounties. The pain from these acts of violence is immense. I pray with my boys every night before bed. We will be including SPU in our prayers. Sometimes it feels God is so far away. His Word promises He is not. I pray He will remind us of this truth in the days ahead.
Wow lamentamos de corazon lo que ha pasado, nos unimos en oracion por todas las personas que fueron afectadas por esta situacion.
Señor Padre Celestial, nos presentamos delante de ti clamando por tu gracia y misericordia hacia el joven que causo todo este dolor, interviene en su corazon , su mente y haz un molagro en su vida. Tambien toca el corazon de las familias afectadas y trae tu paz que sobre pasa todo entendimiento, devuelveles el gozo, la confianza y dales la fortaleza para seguir adelante, que en medio de esta crisis , no permitas que sus corazones se endurezcan por las circunstancias pero que puedan encontrar proposito divino.
Te damos gracias porque sabemos que tu siempre eres fiel, porque todo esta bajo tu control y voluntad , no se te ha escapado nada , tu eres el principio y el fin y esta tierra y los que habitamos en ella estamos en la palma de tu mano.
Gracias Papá.
Jesus, we lift up this campus family to you. We praise You because You know every need that is on that campus and You have sent the Holy Spirit to comfort them. Hold them in Your arms and take care of them as they journey thru this event in their lives. We praise You on again for taking care of them.
We are praying for you all. May God’s peace comfort each hurting heart.
From Toronto, Canada
Praying for you and those affected. May God give you peace and comfort, healing.
Dear Heavenly Father, We ask that you help us to see the light even amongst the darkness. Help us to recognize Your tangible presence in the smile of a stranger, a gentle embrace of a friend, the breeze in the trees, and the sun in a brilliant blue sky. Help us to be steadfast and lean upon You so that you may be glorified despite the overwhelming grief, fear, and anger. Please carry the grieving friends, family, and community through this long journey. Help them to all know a peace that surpasses understanding. Guide us as Your people. Help us to love even the most “unloveable” among us; recognizing the wounded in spirit and ministering to them so that their souls may know Your love. Heal the wounds of all the victims – both physical and emotional. Restore all to completeness in your most holy name! We praise you and thank you for your unwaivering love. In Christ’s name, AMEN.
May the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, guard your hearts, your mind’s, & your souls, through Christ Jesus.
Peace To All…….Amen. ……So Be It
Dear Father God
You know the inner workings of our hearts, please soften the heart of the gun man and draw him to repentance! Give him a grieving heart for his actions and provide balm for his own wounds that drew him to this place of sorrow that destroyed so many peoples’ lives. Please give peace for all of the students affected by this tragedy. And send spiritual warriors to fight the principalities of darkness that are waging war in this area. Strengthen the armor of the remnant and show them the better way in Christ! You are the Way, the Truth and the Life…I lift up all of the people touched by this, that they may know You more and be comforted by you through it all!! In Jesus name and power amen!
Dear Lord, I lift up all the people involved or touched by this incident. May they experience deeply your love and presence in their lives.We confess that we do not understand such events and we are grateful that in all things you work for the good of those who believe in you. I pray that you will make this apparent to everyone who is now suffering from what happened. Thank you Lord for always being there for us in good times and bad.
To our friends and brothers and sisters in Christ at SPU ~
NewSpring Church Prayer Team in Wichita, KS lifts you up in prayer to our great and mighty God who is able to make sense of the senseless, use anything for good, and make beauty from ashes for those who put their trust in Him. How we hurt for you and ask our loving Heavenly Father to do what only He can do. As you “pick up the pieces”, we pray you will draw closer to the One who gives life.
My wife and I are just starting to mentor a couple. Josh the husband was the youth group leader for the shooter. This was a young man that grew up in the church, had been on mission trips, but when he turned 18 he went his own way. Josh had reached out constantly to him but with no success. When he turned 21 he started hanging out in the bars and really started to go down hill. My prayer is that we all know a kid like this that needs some guidence and mentoring, please Lord help us to see where we can step in and help change someones life.
In moments like these, we thank you for your joy, peace and strength that flows into us. You gather our tears in a bottle so every tear shed has meaning.
Comfort Your children, Holy Spirit. Visit them with Your peace, Your presence and Your power in Jesus’ name.
Relase your ministering angels to touch all those needing Your touch impacted by this trauma.
We stand together as the family of God bearing the burdens of our broterhs and sister at SPU.
Father, we cry out to you bas your children and for those who are not and we know that you hear us. We can not begin to understand the motive or hate or whatever it is that moved this young man to do such violence. We want to rest in you and ask for wisdom and discernment for those who are ministering to the needs physical, emotional and spiritual of all involved in this tragic event. Thank you for the one who risk his life to stop the shooter. Meet the pain of the families who have lost or are suffering because of the wounds inflected. Make your presence, your grace and your mercy known to those who are serving and those who are healing. In Jesus name Amen.
Thought of you when I first heard the news and want you to know we are praying for you and the staff and students to be able to get past the images, feelings of loss and the helplessness experienced. When these things happen – they often bring many closer to God and his Kingdom so we must Praise God in spite of the situation or circumstances. We hope all involved and impacted can forgive this person and pray for him to turn his life back to Christ and God’s ways. The darkness is encompassing sometimes and hard to see your way out, but His light can shine through even the darkest days and times to illuminate the promises, hope and future we can have in Christ. Know we love you and He does too (Even better). God bless as you deal with the aftermath and people who will come into your lives because of this tragedy.
Lord Jesus, you are aquainted with grief. A man of sorrows. May your comfort, strength, love and grace reach into the core of the hearts of all the SPU family. Uphold Les and Leslie and all the faculty through these grief filled days. Give them your wisdom and compassion to care for the hurting students and families. Give them your grace so that they can grieve too. And Lord, please have mercy on the murderer. May your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Bring glory to your name as this suffering drives people more and more to your heart. In your name. Amen.
Lord, we ask for your comfort for those in need as well as your grace and mercy. We ask that you restore peace. We ask that you protect and continue to keep SPU safe. Lord thank you for being you. Let Your will be done- in Jesus name, Amen.
May you all find the Lord’s peace during this time of grief, loss and fear. He will be able to help you overcome.
our prayers are with you and all affected by this and all acts of incomprehensible violence.
My wife and I have worked with college students for most of our lives since we were college students. (Our 2 daughters just celebrated college graduations.) And we have used Les & Leslie’s materials to minister to couples for years. So, even from the East Coast, we feel a strong connection to what you and your family at SPU have suffered. Our church is praying for you, for your campus family and for expressions of God’s redemption in the aftermath of this tragic.
Tom Birowski
Senior Pastor
Harvest Christian Church
Seaford, Delaware
To the SPU community. At a loss for words but know He is with you.
Romans 8:26 For we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.
Lord Jesus each and every one of these brothers and sisters in Christ and those in that school that do not know you .May they come to know you. Each and every one of them they need your peace your comfort and most of all your presents upon them. Lift them up above the circumstances and make them to seek everything about you today, in the mighty name of Jesus I pray Amen.
First thank you, Lord, for being our Heavenly Father and being there for us in our time of need. I pray for the students and faculty at SPU during this time. May they feel your presence and your arms holding them up and helping them through this difficult time. Thank you for the Parrot’s and their ministry. Word are difficult when the situation is so devastating. Bring comfort to the families that have lost a loved one and continue to heal those who are still hurting. I ask these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
My nephew starts this fall at SPU.
There are no words to change the past
nothing removes wounds that last
only love heals the broken
a hug, a smile, a small token
Hope always lifts the night
exposing truth, leaving light
We begin again, united we trust
God to lead us to do what we must
We wipe the tears and walk on…
Lisa M. Paulauskis
Heavenly Father, I lift up the needs and concerns of all the students and faculty at SPU. I pray that Your mercy and grace surrounds them & that they would come to see You as the sustainer of their faith and be drawn even closer to You as they process this terrible event. Please help them to be sustained by the Holy Spirit and the prayers of Your people. Amen.
We met Les and Lesley years ago in Lexington, MA when they spoke at Grace Chapel’s Marriage Weekend. We’ve also used their book and DVD as the basis of the pre-marriage class we teach at Grace Chapel. Having watched them on TV for the past 8 years, we immediately felt the wave of sadness when news of this tragedy came out last week. Our prayers are with you and stand with you as lights in this past week of darkness and senseless violence across our nation and beyond.
Loving Father — What a privilege to stand with these dear children of your, Les and Leslie, and all of the students at the college who, even now, may be trying to make sense out of something so seemingly senseless. Your Word tells us that You are the God of ALL Comfort and, Precious Lord, I pray that you will take their hands in Your strong hand right now and assure them that they are not alone. We know that your heart breaks over sin and when your children suffer because of it, You have promised never to leave us or forsake us. Please give then the calm assurance that they do not walk through this grief alone — You are right there every step of the way. Use Your children on that campus in ways that they never thought possible as they cling tightly to and rest in You. Thank You that right now you are hearing the prayers of all of us and Your Word assures us that the answer is on the way! Thank You so much, Father, for being a Comforter and the answer to every one of our needs. We bless Your Name!
May the peace that only God can bring come over all of you. May a hedge of power surround you all as you heal…and may the healing come to hearts and souls that have been shattered. Your words have come to mean so much to our lives and in or marriages, may all of ours bring you a hug and a smile as you know you are in our hearts and prayers always. God bless each of them and heap an extra blessing on those who are struggling with the anger and bitterness…that they can let it go into Your hands and not taint their lives with any more ugliness.
Our Father, who has taught us all how to pray, please help and bless this nation. Calm hearts Lord. Grant everyone peace. When you told the storms Peace be still, please let anger, hurt and resentment be still. Grant comfort to the hurt and to the families in this community and around the world. Please forgive the shooter and help us to learn to love and forgive him in despite of all that has happen. Heal our broken hearts. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
As a University faculty couple in another state, we share your shock and grief. May you be comforted by the Holy Spirit as you mourn this loss. You comfort and encourage so many. Let us minister to YOU. You are loved.
Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
Heal the hearts of the people affected by the tragedy at SPU. Strength them and help them to see your goodness and grace.
In Jesus’ name.
Father God we look to are that ever present help in time of need. Today we come before you on behalf of the students and staff. God we pray your strength your peace your healing. I pray that what the devil meant for evil would be turned for your glory God. From these ashes of brokenness and loss may you give life. I pray as staff and students ask OK now what? May your voice be heard. May your fingerprints be seen. From this tragedy may faith arise. Amen!
Dear Lord God in heaven, thank you for hearing our prayers. We want to lift up everyone affected by this tragedy and ask them to see that even in the midst of pain and sorrow, you are still good. Please comfort them, and let their pain and sorrow draw them closer to you, the source of all healing. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Praying for the lives affected by this tragedy and for the repentance & spiritual wholeness of the gunman. May God’s grace and mercy abound beyond measure in Jesus name. Amen.
You know, you hear, you see and in faith I ask you to see into the hearts and minds of those affected by this tragedy; to hear the prayers spoken and unspoken and to give hope and light over darkness. Guide the staff as they grieve themselves and help students deal with the trauma.
Thank you for how you will use this, turning darkness to light, ashes into beauty for your glory.
Father please let your light shine in the darkness of this valley of the shadow of death. Bring your comfort and compassion upon those who are wounded physically, spiritually, and emotionally.
Father let the SPU family bond together in unity, and allow the surrounding community to reach out in loving comfort and respect.
What was done to bring fear and darkness, dispel with your love, grace, mercy and light.
Thank you for those who we able and willing to step up and risk their own lives for the help and protection of others. Amen
Almighty God, we declare your mighty power now to take this situation which the enemy has intended for harm and turn it into a situation… In your timing … for good and the glory of your kingdom. Comfort all those grieving so they know your peace in an undeniable way. We choose to place our trust and hope in you, especially when things don’t make sense. Isaiah 40:31 NIV. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Heavenly Father….surround your loving arms around this school, the families. Give them peace that can only come from You. We pray for healing both physical and emotionally…..We ask for protection from any evil forces that will try to shake peoples faith in You…no seeds of fear or doubt can be planted. Lord we ask that you soften the hearts of others who would build up a wall of hatred towards others that they might be able to hear Your words of truth to them…..change hearts and minds. Bind up evil Lord put a protective hedge around the grieving hearts. Lord we know You are good all the time and that You alone can take what was meant for evil and turn it to good, for Your glory alone! Thank you, thank you, thank you for how You will bring about healing and glory for Your name! Amen
Dear Father God please pour out your comfort and strength on SPU. We don’t understand the whys but trust you to do your will even in this tragedy. I pray for the family of the young man that is now with you that you will wrap them up in your feathers and draw them near to you. I pray for Drs. Les and Leslie as they endeavour to help these students at the university. Give them that little extra strength that they will need as they minister your love and hope. I pray for the University as a whole that you will continue to reign and each day will bring healing. Lastly, I pray for the gunman that you will speak to him and the Holy Spirit will work in his heart. Help us not to point a finger but rather give him to you. Lord life is short and I believe this is a lesson for each of us to cling ever so closely to you. Amen
Heartfelt thoughts and prayers for the SPU family. May you find strength and comfort in the Lord at this time.
(Tulsa, Ok)
Thoughts and prayers are with everyone at SPU for comfort that only our Heavenly Father can give at this tragic time.
Les May the God of all comfort be with you and Leslie during this difficult time. Bev and I are praying for you and the entire SPU Family. My prayer is that God will be with you in a special way as you minister to the hurting . God Bless ! Isa 43: 1-5a
Father God, we know this is a difficult time and hearts are very heavy; but even in that, we thank you for being the lifter of our heads and the God who can turn our sorrows into joy and our mourning in to dancing. So Father, we look toward the days ahead when You will take this tragedy and bring forth the good that will override our sorrow and mourning, and bring You glory. May all who have been affected continue to trust that You are the God who is strong when we are weak. Praying that healing of hearts will come quickly and that your light will shine brightly in this difficult hour. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Oh Lord ,this senseless act of shooting and rage has taken another one of your children home to be with you.Please Lord welcome him with a open,loving and yes the most tender reception .He showed his light here on earth as in the bible verse sums up in MATTHEW 516 let your light shine before people,that they may see your good works and glorify your FATHER which is in heaven.
Jesus you said if we ask ,seek ,knock and believe than you will hear our prayer. i ask that you hear and answer all of these prayers asking,seeking,knocking for relief from this tragic shooting at SPU.For all of us are affected all over the world.Please wrap your loving arms around the victims and may love heal ,restore and revive them.There will be scars and yes lord a process of grieving .Please stay close as you do in each and every heart,mind and soul.LORD ,the young man who is troubled and went on this rampage needs you more than ever as many are praying may you bring him into your love and light for your glory and for a miracle to make him whole .The same humble plea for the hopeless ones who want to resort to violence and take others with them,let them be healed and to know the ways of your teachings,laws and love.That you are the way ,the truth and the light > and please let others who may perceive some one they know or love needs help to ask for help .not wait or be embarrassed or shamed of the situation..Lord ,finally heaven and earth may pass away but your word will never pass .We ,together stand united as CHRISTIANS on your word.A TOTAL AMEN FOR ALL OF US.
My heart goes out to all the family and friends who are connected to this young man. Nobody says it best than Max Lucado. “Does this struggle serve any purpose? Every day God test us through people, pain, or problems. Stop and consider your circumstances. Can you identify the test of today? Snarling traffic? Threatening weather? Aching joints? Don’t see your struggle as an interruption to life but as preparation for life. No one said the road would be easy or painless. But God will use your mess for something good. This trouble you’re in isn’t punishment; it’s training, the normal experience of children…..God is doing what’s best for us, training us to live God’s holy best” (Hebrews 12:8, 10)
Heavenly Father,
I lift up those who have been hurt by one man’s actions. It’s also by one man’s actions (Jesus) that can heal the hurts and make all things right. Bring comfort to the victims and their families. Bring people into their lives to help them through these next very tough days. Help them endure this. And help the students and faculty find ways to support and comfort each other. Holy Spirit, please wrap yourself around us, and plant more seeds of faith in You, that You are still in control of all of this world. Send Jesus soon, we look forward to when we go with you, and all things will be well.
The psalmist declared, ‘The Lord gives strength to His people, He provides His people with peace’. (29:11) May His provision be adequately appropriated to each one as needed.
Father God, Jesus Christ His Son, Holy Spirit,
As we grieve with those at SPU, we ask that Your Son be glorified. We pray for your Spirit to comfort the lives of those hurting and rise up the men and women of God who know You, who know Your power and be used in a bold God fearing manner.
Father, you are sovereign over this tragedy, You are seated high on your throne thrusting Your power on Your people. May they not lose sight of who they are in Christ and join in the majestic work You have and will continue to do in and around SPU.
Lubbock, TX
Romans 8:6 The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
Les and Leslie, you and the SPU community are in our prayers and in our hearts.
Father… pour out your heart of love and compassion on the staff and students at SPU. Heal the memories of those who witnessed the violence. Minister to the families affected by this tragedy and let there be good that comes from it… somehow. Minister to the family of the shooter. Bring them to know You. Let many turn towards You rather than away from You. Use Les and Leslie to minister your healing to those who need it most. In Christ’s name, we pray. Amen
Drs Les and Leslie, We had the joy of hearing you at a seminar in our church, Emmanuel Baptist, Huntingtown. We stop to pray for your family and for the Lee family and the community of Seattle Pacific University. Also for the person in hospital.
Dear Lord Jesus, We cry out to you in our hour of need. We need Your healing, Your Presence and Your closeness. We are reminded that Jesus was there when this violent tragedy was taking place. These horrific events traumatize us and wound us deeply. We can only imagine how much they hurt You. We ask that You will be glorified in this dark situation. That You will bring light and hope in the darkness. That You will use us to be candles of light and hope to the grieving. Lord, we know the world around us is growing darker and darker, but You won the Victory on the cross and by taking Your life up again. Our hope is in You. Please meet each need and wipe every tear. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.
SPU–I don’t have the words right now. I am so very sorry.
Dear God,
Thank You for the impact that Les and Leslie has had on so many at SPU including the man who was murdered. May You strengthen all that have been impacted by this senseless tragedy, and give wisdom and insight to all those processing the events. May all be drawn closer to You as a result, and not further away. May forgiveness, grace and love prevail, and may You not allow evil to continue to flourish. Please protect the hearts, minds and bodies from further harm. Our hope and trust is in You. Amen.
Lord God, I pray that you watch over all your children at SPU. I pray for Paul Lee’s soul, that you allow him into your kingdom. I pray for his family, that you bring comfort and peace to them. I pray for the people who saw the crime, erase that image from their head Lord and bring them comfort and peace. I pray for Jon Meis, that You bless his marriage and guide them along the way. I thank you Lord that you allowed Jon to take control of the situation and that you gave him courage. I pray that people come close to you because of this tragedy. Amen.
And Lord, I pray for the man that did the shooting. I pray that his heart be touch by you and that he be saved. I pray for his family, that you bring comfort to them too. Amen
My prayers go out to your school and those families. I pray that the Holy Spirut provides the peace that surpasses all understanding. I also pray for our country to place God in the center so these horrible acts do not continue. Prayer back in our schools.
Praying for the students, staff, teachers and the community. Comfort and peace beyond understanding as the waves of grief take place in the years ahead. Bonding through sorrow and finding joy in the midst of pain. Healing, hope, and restored purpose and gratitude for life. Continually believing for answers, interventions, research and renewed lives.
Father God, I join my voice with all the others who raise this community to your loving, healing hands. Father, only you could make good come from horrible, tragic events. I pray that your will be done and your justice met. I pray that faith may be strengthened or found anew. I pray for healing for all the hurt and pain – for the family of the young man who is now with you. Strengthen them in knowing they can see him again in your time. I can not even imagine the unspeakable pain in their hearts, but you O Lord are greater even than that and you are able to bring hope. Blessed are those who mourn. I pray for the others who were injured – may their physical wounds be only that – and their relationship with you be made stronger still by them. By YOUR stripes we are made new. Lord, thank you for Les and Leslie and their honest ministry. In this time when some might forge ahead they admit and share their need for your strength and the love and support of the family of God. Their human “weakness” is a demonstration of your power and love. Bless them as they seek you and your refreshing and your guidance to move forward. Help them to continue to minister to married couples, especially those who at this moment might be stressed to the breaking point because of one more tragedy. One more hard thing to get through. And the temptation to go it alone rather than to support another person who needs them. Bind us together, Father I pray. In Jesus name and for His sake! Amen
Dear Heavenly Father, please restore the peace in the soul’s of the people of PSU. We know You are with us. We know free will was created for us to find pleasure in the many small aspects of life and it is a terrible tragedy when people use their free will for evil. God be with the families and students who were involved and let something positive come from this. In Jesus name we pray amen.
Father, you are the God of peace, of forgiveness and of restoration. Send your peace to take hold of the hearts and minds of all who have been affected by this tragedy.Thank you Lord that the faculty and students of SPU know you and have turned to you for strength. Bring comfort to those who mourn and calm any fears that some may be feeling. We ask in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
We cannot begin to express how deeply grateful we are for all of your heart-felt prayers. We had a memorial service on campus last night for Paul Lee. Your prayers could not be more timely – they truly sustain us in these tough days. We can’t say thanks enough.
Dear Drs. Les and Leslie
I am so sorry to be reading about this tragic news. I join my prayers with you and your SPU family and I pray that the healing balm of Gilead will be poured on all the grieving hearts connected with this incident. I pray that God will strengthen you all and the family of Paul Lee. I pray for speedy recovery for those still hurting or in the hospital. I also pray that God will grant you all the grace to be strong throughout this time. May the shooter be healed of his troubled heart I pray also. I pray for wholeness for all members of the SPU community.
It is well with you and May God be with you and bless you now and ever more.
Our thoughts and prayer are with you and the students at APU. Such a tragedy shakes us to the core. I pray you feel God’s overwhelming presence as you journey through the days ahead.
I pray these verses from Lamentations 3 give you hope:
19 I remember my affliction and my wandering,
the bitterness and the gall.
20 I well remember them,
and my soul is downcast within me.
21 Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
22 Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
With Christian sympathy.
Almighty God, you are the God of all comfort, present in every situation. Father I pray for every student, faculty member and support staff member that they would sense your presence very near to them. Jesus I thank you that your sacrifice is for our help; please help every grieving family member that has been affected by this loss. Holy Spirit, I am thankful that you are our teacher to help us in the process of healing and right response. Please continue to give the community the strength, grace, wisdom and courage to respond in a way that honours You and is helpful towards healing for all affected by this loss, Amen.
Sad news….sorry to hear what has happened…x
May God hold your hearts and comfort you in your grief and loss. Lord, I pray that your life would swallow up the sting of death in this horrible tragedy and pour out your grace to our brothers and sisters in this time of need…you see them, know the cry of each heart and will not forget them.
Lord, my heart aches as I think of the brokenness of this world. I pray over Paul Lee’s family…I ask you for comfort, for a peace that reaches them in their deepest heartache and despair, and for your presence to minister to them. I pray over Jon and Kaylie’s start to a life together…I pray you will allow the focus to be on you and not on the nightmare they have lived through. I pray for each student deeply affected, for the professors, administrators, and families that are all scarred from this day. I ask for your healing and peace and for each one to seek You foremost and lean on you for strength for each day.
Eternal rest grant unto Dot, O Lord, and may your perpetual light shine upon her and tgrouhh Thy great Mercy, may she rest in peace. Amen.