Because we loved you so much,
we were delighted to share with you
not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.
I Thessalonians 2:8

When Les and I first began to receive calls to speak as a couple at marriage events and seminars across the country, I had extreme self-doubt and anxiety.

I felt that the only credibility I could have as a teacher was if I was able to perfectly embody everything I taught. The fear was so crippling I not only fasted and prayed—I found a therapist.

It was immobilizing. I felt I had to mend every broken place in me (and therefore in my marriage) to qualify as a teacher.

Only when I understood that our best teaching came from sharing our honest pilgrimage as a couple wholeheartedly committed to living into these ideals—not a couple under the pretense of having arrived at them—that God gave me a genuine joy in using the gift of teaching he had given me.

Today we are on our way to Kansas, where we will spend time teaching a room full of five hundred or so couples how to fight a good fight. And if there is one thing I know for sure, conflict is the price we pay in marriage for a deeper sense of intimacy as a couple.

I know this because I have paid that price, and won that prize.

Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight.

The connection I have with Les today, after three decades of married life, rests on the bedrock of authenticity and tenacity that can only be tested in the fires of conflict.

And it’s that kind of knowing that gives us credibility as teachers, not (as I once believed) the kind of credentials that come with never having fought.

And so when I mount the steps of a platform to teach these days, I am freer than ever to share moments of marital brilliance that only come following the moments of marital bewilderment.

And so this week, we encourage you to consider your not-so-perfect marriage, too. And think about how God may want to use you to minister to other couples – not necessarily on a platform, but in a mentoring relationship.

Your moments of marital bewilderment give you the credibility to help others cultivate moments of marital brilliance.

Reflect and Respond

Do you have an imperfect marital moment that might be
a great means to minister to another couple?
Care to share it with us?

Go ahead, tell us in the comments.

Related Resource

product pictureMarriage Mentoring Academy

Everything you need to launch a Marriage Mentoring program is right here! A sleeping giant is waking up in the church—YOU—and thousands of couples like you are making a huge difference in countless marriages. You’ve spent years learning how to make your marriage work. Now, as marriage mentors, you’re ready to help other couples grow stronger in their marriages while taking your own marriage to the next level. You won’t find a more thorough, reassuring, and carefully designed approach for marriage mentoring anywhere.