When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say,
and she always says it kindly.
Proverbs 31:26

Mom never saw it coming.

We were at a church in Phoenix about to give a marriage seminar. A little group of us, including my mom at age 81, were in a room off of the stage.

Our assistant came into the room with excitement: “Your new book arrived just in time.”

She handed me a copy.

“Oh, you have a new book?” mom asked with genuine interest.

I suddenly realized I’d never told mom about this book. She’d known about all my writing projects, but this book – Crazy Good Sex – somehow slipped my mind in our conversations.

I cleared my throat. I didn’t say a word and just handed her the book.

An anxious moment caused the chatter in the room to pause. Mom looked at the cover. Her eyes widened. She looked at me. She looked back at the book. And said slowly: “Oh, honey.”

Another moment of stillness. Then, with her usual quick wit, even at this stage of life, mom said: “Just tell me you didn’t dedicate this one to me.”

The mother’s heart is the child’s schoolroom.
–Henry Ward Beecher

Moms are the best, right?

That’s why Mother’s Day is important. We know, it’s easy to be cynical for some, saying it’s just an invented holiday cooked up by the flower and card industries.

Don’t fall for that fallacy.

Moms have the toughest job in the world.

In fact, just last month we watched what has become one of the most popular viral videos ever: World’s Toughest Job.

A handful of job applicants are seen in an online video interview for a very tough and consuming job. Unreasonable hours. Insane responsibilities. The interviewees can’t believe their ears and begin to scoff at the job.

Then the reveal: it’s a job description for being a mom. It requires more than 135 hours per week, constant mobility, and adept communication. There are no breaks, no holidays off, and there is no pay.

That’s when we witness a touching turn as the job applicants well up with appreciation for their mothers.

So if you’re looking for a bit of inspiration this Mother’s Day, we wanted to be sure you saw it.

This week we are simply sending our celebration wishes to you and yours. Thanks for doing the world’s toughest job.

And just in case you haven’t seen the video, here it is!

Reflect and Respond

What do you appreciate most about your mom and why?

Go ahead, tell us in the comments.

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You Matter More Than You Think reveals a personal message that is sure to keep you from looking at the pieces of your life as mere fragments scattered to and fro by any impulsive tide. On the contrary, you will soon see that the random fragments of your life hold great potential for making a profound difference.

The First Drop of Rain will take you to a place of discovery, growth, and new life—a place where you can sense the presence of God all around you, uncovered through something as simple as a single drop of rain.