My Husband Spends a Majority of Time Involved in Sports. Do I Need to Change or Him?
Les, what is your favorite movie and why?
My husband is an adrenaline junkie. How do I get him to slow down w/o quenching his personality
How do my spouse and I improve our level of enjoyment when we are together?
My husbands friends make jokes about me. Can our house be off limits until they respect me?
My wife wants regular date nights but I'm always tired. How can we compromise cheaply?
He comes home and goes to the garage, then doesn't get why I don't feel like being intimate. HELP
My husband is all about sports. How do I get his attention back to me and our marriage?
My husband wants me to do his hobbies to lose weight. Aren't the pounds worth doing what I love?
Our kids and jobs take up so much time. Any suggestions on how to make time for each other?
How important is it to have similar interests and what can you do about it if you don't?
Should married people continue active social lives with their singles friends individually?
Should married couples have separate sets of friends?
What can we do to build relationships with other couples?
How do my spouse and I share fun? We have a hard time finding common activities.
My Husband Hunts. I Cannot Stand a Deer Draining in Our Garage. Isn't That Asking Too Much of Me?
Leslie, what is your favorite movie and why?
My Husband is Obsessed with Cars and Racing. How Do I Get Him as Interested in Me as He is in Them?
Is it Normal if My Husband and I Go Our Separate ways Every Weekend?
My husband golfs as a hobby to work his way up at work. It's expensive! I don't get to do that.