Why do women who have nothing to gain compete with each other?
My husband was offered a job in China for a year. Am I wrong not to support him?
How Do I Get My Husband to Share in Household Chores?
How Much Truth is Too Much?
One Day I'm Completely In Love with My Husband, the Next Day I Could Care Less. Why?
How Do I respond to My Husband's Angry Outbursts? He Swears and Yells and has Even Hit the Wall.
My Friend's Husband Didn't Talk to Her About Buying a Car. She is Upset. Any Advice?
How Do I Give My Hardworking Husband Support While Still Keeping Him Involved in Daily Activities?
I Was Raised by a Single Mom. How Do I be Submissive W/O Compromising My Independence?
My Husband Put Parental Controls on Our TV. He Won't Even Let Me Watch Lifetime. Is this Right?
What do I do when my wife gives me the silent treatment?
My wife wants to avoid conflict indefinitely. Will it have long-term implications for our marriage?
What's one technique we can use that will improve our level of capacity to resolve conflict?
How can I convince my husband to spend more time at home with us rather than at work?
When my husband and I argue I just shut down and want to sleep. How do I change it?
My wife is controlling and critical. I have stored up anger and our intimacy has suffered. HELP!
My husband has been physically and verbally abusive. What can I do. I'm afraid of him.
When we argue my wife gets ill. I feel manipulated because I feel bad. What can I do?
My husband cheated on me and my in-laws knew. Am I right to be angry with them?
My husband found out he had a child before we were married. How do I embrace this healthily?
Are there ways I can banish the old hurts so that they don't hurt anymore so I won't bring them up?
If you suspect infidelity, is it ok to spy on your spouse?
My husband does nothing on Mother's day. Our kids our too young. Is it wrong this is upsetting?
My husband is going to "Happy Hour" after work. Am I out of line for not wanting him in the bars?
I am so afraid my husband is going to leave when we fight that I follow him around. HELP!
My husband has lied before so it'd hard to trust him. Is it true once a liar, always a liar?
I'm a homemaker but my husband thinks I waste money on the house. What do I do?
When my husband gets mad he takes things away from me. What motivates this behavior?
My husband is having a mid-life crisis. I don't want to be left behind. What should I do?
We've been married for a year and have fought the whole time. Is this how it's always going to be?
My husband doesn't want to be in this marriage. He doesn't want to go to counseling. Help!
My husband wants to join the Army with two kids. I don't want him to. Is this wrong of me?
My son almost drowned while with my husband. How do I stop resenting my husband for this?
How do I my husband to stop saying inappropriate things in front of others? It's driving me crazy!
Any advice on how to top an argument in its tracks?
My husband and I want to reconcile after a 6 month separation. What are the chances of success?
My friend's husband emotionally abuses her in front of me. Should I broach it or no? Suggestions?
I don't argue very well. Do you have some tips on how to argue?
My trust with my spouse is horrible. How do we re-establish it? Will things ever be the same?
My husband always compares me to his ex-wife. How do I fix it so we don't end up in divorce too?
My wife refuses to go to counseling. Maybe she wants a divorce. Any advice?
My wife gets mad when I'm on my cell but these calls are important. Can there be a balance?
What can I do to show my husband how I feel about his constant cell phone calls?
What is the biggest problem between couples?
Can you help me understand the difference in how men and women solve problems?
How does a couple fight a good fight?
My husband didn't tell me about all of his debt before marriage. Do I have the right to be mad? HELP
Do I have a right to be irritated by my husband's phone-flirting?
My wife flirts with most men. Can a flirter change or is this what I have to look forward to?
How can I get my husband to stop being so childish and take a turn answering the phone?
I feel like I married my father not my friend. How can I get him to stop criticizing me?
How do I get her to see that I would never do anything to hurt our marriage?
My husband has road rage and keeps a baseball bat in the trunk. How do I discuss it with him?
I don't mind cleaning up after my husband, but he hates it. Why won't he let me take care of him?
My husband smokes pot. How can I get him to see the values he's teaching his kids?
My wife takes the credit for the cleaning...I'm the one that does it. Is it bad to want recognition?
How do you begin to forgive infidelity when your husband refuses to determine its cause?
What is the best way to confront your spouse if you know that they are lying to you?
Since we retired all we do is bicker and fight. What is going on with us?
What are some good arguing tips? How do you argue correctly?
My husband loaned out hundreds of dollars w/o telling me. What do for this not to happen again?
How do I get him to see that its not unreasonable to take a bit of away time from work?
We always name call and bring up the past in fights. How do my husband and I fight fair?
We haven't stopped fighting since our honeymoon. Is this what marriage is really like?
My husband cheated on me. Where do I find the strength to forgive him?
My wife rages when she gets mad. I can't seem to calm her. What can I do short of leaving her?
I appreciate my wife. Why does she take it so personally when I look and appreciate other women?
My husband has a violent temper. Should I leave him before he hits me?
Our career pursuits can sometimes clash. Whose career should take priority?
My husband eats, drinks, and breathes work. Why is he so consumed by it?
What kind of advice would you give my husband to keep work in perspective and manage stress?
We are both expressive people, and that can be seen in anger. What do we do if anger is a problem?
My husband forgets that I'm around when I'm we're with his family. What can I do to to change this?
My husband and I deal with being sick differently. How can we share this experience together?
My husband spends a lot of time with his female co-worker. Can men and women be just friends?
I have a lot of guy friends. I know it bothers my husband, but I don't want to server all ties. HELP
Do I tell my husband if a guy at work flirts with me and I don't have any feelings for him?
How do I accept and appreciate our differences between my husband and I?
What can we do to protect our marriage against extramarital affairs?
I tell my best friend about the fights my husband and I have. Is that wrong?
Do you have any suggestions on how to best assign household chores?
What exactly do you mean by "conflict is good?" How can we learn to fight fair?
On some conflicts my husband and I do not see eye to eye. What should we do when we can't agree?
Why do we have huge blow-out arguments over the littlest things?
My husband has my heart. Which means he can hurt it. Do I forgive my husband for these things?
My Husband Refers to Me as the "Old Ball and Chain." He Thinks it's Funny. Am I Being a Poor Sport?
How Can I Get My Wife to Pay More Attention to Time?
My Husband's Single Friends Want Him to Run Around Like He's Single as Well. What Does He Say?
Do You Think it's Vital That You Like Your Spouse as well as Love Them?
My Husband Over-Rules Me in Front of Our Kids. Now They Are Dismissing Me. What Should I Do?
My Wife Has a Drinking Problem. She Says it's My Problem. How Do I Get Her to Agree to be Evaluated?
I Found Pornographic Material on My Computer. How Do I Confront My Husband?
My Husband Says I'm on the Phone More than with Our Kids. Dinner and Laundry, Done. HELP!
My Husband Asks Our Small Group to Pray I Will Change Things About Myself. How Do I Get Him to Stop?
My husband is addicted to Vicodin. We keep going around in circles but nothing changes. HELP!