Marriage is not a place to “stand up for your rights.” Marriage is a decision to serve the other.
I Corinthians 7:4

Let's be honest. The “till death do us part” of the marriage vow rings increasingly ironic.

We’ve all heard the startling statistics saying fifty-percent or more of today’s marriages will not survive. What we know for sure is that 200,000 new marriages each year end prior to the couples’ second anniversary.

The numbers can be massaged and debated, but most marriage experts agree that divorce is chipping steadily away at traditional values in our society. For too many of today’s new couples, marriage has become “till divorce do us part.”

Equally startling as the predictions and statistics, however, is the fact that less than a fifth of all marriages in America are preceded by some kind of formal marriage preparation.

Did you catch that?

Only 20 couples out of 100 get pre-marriage education or counseling.

And since three out of four U.S. marriages are blessed by a member of the clergy, columnist Michael McManus has long been calling churches “blessing machines.” He makes a good point.

The truth is that most engaged couples prepare more for their wedding than they do for their marriage.

We are out to change this.

In this week’s Devotion we want to tell you about a brand new tool we’ve been working on for years.

It’s called the SYMBIS Assessment. SYMBIS stands for Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts.

If you work with engaged or newlywed couples in any capacity we hope you’ll take a moment to look into it and become a Certified SYMBIS Facilitator.

We are passionate about getting this game-changing tool into the hands of people who can use it.

Reflect and Respond

What kind of pre-marriage education did you have when you got married and how did it impact your relationship?

Go ahead, tell us in the comments.

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With more than a million copies sold, Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts has become the gold standard for helping today’s engaged and newlywed couples enjoy lifelong love. This expanded and updated edition has been honed by years of feedback, professional experience and the latest research, making it more helpful and informative than ever.